05 July 2010


First day of DEEP camp! I'm in Environmental Engineering's efficient buildings of the future.

my first impression: the buildings on the campus are so nice *u* (at least on the outside, inside's..normal).
second thought: Frick it's so hot "orz There's no AC in both of my classrooms and we made/will make quite a few trips outside.

Anyways, I learned some pretty cool stuff today. Topics of the day were why we need (energy) efficient buildings and what energy is.
Let's define energy! It is "A thermodynamic quantity equivalent to the capacity of a physical system to do work. The most common unit is joules". Other terms I learned includes site&source energy and embodied&operational energy. The most confusing thing? converting units "orz I had to go from feet to meters to megajoules to kilowatt hours. Also from speed to calorie to joules to milliliters <_<"

Looking forward to the rest of the week haha. Civ eng seems haaaard xD

1 comment:

H-siao said...

haha civ eng shouldbt be that hard wit ur marks
i hav sis going to ece and friend in ensci and they dont hav marks as high as urs