02 March 2018


Adding sesame seeds is a substantial improvement to cashew brittle, maybe I'll try chia seeds too next time. Salt and chilli pepper are also nice flavour boosters.

There is a need to increase the amount of caramel. I stuck with my original ratio of ⅓ cup mix-in to ¼ cup sugar and it turned out pretty dry. The caramel is also more viscose because of the butter that I added, which does add a lot of richness. Next time I'll probably use a 1:1 ratio of mix-in and sugar, with some additional eye balled amount of sugar syrup to decrease the risk of crystallization (but really because I admit that I'm not that into pancakes so I need to use up the syrup that I bought). I'm not a fan of having to stir the caramel as it melts, my laziness very much prefer making pure dry caramel, but it's easier to add the butter in the beginning than having to carefully drop it in 300˚F molten sugar.

I also feel smug that I realized to use my big non-stick pan as the form.

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