20 November 2017


You know what's even better than braised greens? Braised turnips...with some greens. But the turnips are the star.
a touch of mustards seeds is my addition, good call

I don't know whats a good comparison to the texture of braised turnips except for daikon oden, which is practically the same thing. It's not to the point of custard-y as it gradually collapse in your mouth as you bite down. Succulent maybe? It also doesn't take forever to soften, maybe half an hour (I wasn't paying much attention), unlike swede ugh. Too bad turnips aren't as cheap as carrots or parsnips, although it is still a cheap ingredient. Hopefully co-op has a good price on these, and if radishes are still on sale that'd make a good addition. Turnips are the best looking tho:

the color hnnng


Also went against my better judgement and made a coconut milk based curry. I'm not the biggest fan of coconut milk based curries. I do like the ingredient in desserts though.

recipe via thekitcn

Side note: I still suck at making easy over eggs. Can't find the balance of heating the pan/oil hot enough to get crisp egg whites vs not overcooking the yolk. I usually get the former right and not the latter, but today turned out the opposite. Sigh more practice is needed, good thing Iceland eggs are insanely cheap (unfortunately chicken welfare is a lower priority than cost atm).

I was very much regretting my decision while cooking this dish as the curry tasted supremely coconut-y. But once cooked through and cooled a bit, the taste mellowed out and became more balanced with the other flavours. Yesterday's portion reminds me of khao soi, not because that they're actually similar, but rather its the only coconut milk based dish that I eat periodically. It got even better after sitting overnight in the fridge, today's portion is actually to my liking. Next time I would increase the spiciness by switching to my dried thai pepper and sourness by adding the juice from the half a lemon that I reserved (deviated from the recipe of adding juice and zest, I just threw in a scored lemon half. Got the idea from Eastern Eye's lentil soup where there was lemon slices cooked in the soup. I can taste a hint of bitterness from the pith which I like). I do prefer the thick texture resulting from using split chickpeas cook very well done when served with rice.


Later edit: this would make the perfect shakshuka sauce! I've put off making it forever since peppers are so damn expensive in Toronto. The only problem is that I think a crispy fried egg goes the best with this sauce because of the textural contrast. So maybe I'm just complicating things and should just fry some eggs and top it.

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