11 November 2013


Listening to this yesterday induced a huge wave of nostalgia.
It's weird, I don't feel old enough to reminisce about childhood, but definitely old enough that I can dreamily refer to that period of time as childhood. It was the only time when you weren't preoccupied with the future and past, but instead just enjoyed each passing moment. So hard to do that now.

池塘边的榕树上  知了在声声地叫着夏天
操场边的秋千上  只有蝴蝶儿停在上面
黑板上老师的粉笔  还在拼命唧唧喳喳写个不停
等待着下课  等待着放学  等待游戏的童年

福利社里面什么都有  就是口袋里没有半毛钱
诸葛四郎和魔鬼党  到底谁抢到那支宝剑
隔壁班的那个女孩  怎么还没经过我的窗前
嘴里的零食  手里的漫画  心里初恋的童年

总是要等到睡觉前  才知道功课只做了一点点
总是要等到考试以后  才知道该念的书还没有念
一寸光阴一寸金  老师说过寸金难买寸光阴
一天又一天 一年又一年  迷迷糊糊的童年

没有人知道为什么  太阳总下到山的那一边
没有人能够告诉我  山里面有没有住着神仙
多少的日子里总是  一个人面对着天空发呆
就这么好奇  就这么幻想  这么孤单的童年

阳光下蜻蜓飞过来  一片片绿油油的稻田
水彩蜡笔和万花筒  画不出天边那一条彩虹
什么时候才能象高年级的同学  有张成熟与长大的脸
盼望着假期  盼望着明天  盼望着长大的童年
OH一天又一天 一年又一年  盼望着长大的童年

And now that I'm so close to the "grown-up" that I wished to be, I'm actually missing the childhood years. The glass is always greener is a different time haha. 

1 comment:

Partyboy said...

if you get old enough, they said you can live "each passing moment" just like you did as a child. according to some people on reddit. :)
