01 February 2013

int main ()

It's slightly weird how I can go for a few days without opening my computer at all. This use to be unthinkable, how can I survive without checking all the blogs/mangas that I follow?

(to be fair I check email and facebook on my phone throughout the day, so I'm not cut off from the internet, now that'd be terrible).

But yeah, schoolwork and seeing friends in person (prioritized in the opposite order) takes precedence. I have pretty much stopped watching anime (only playing catch-up with Space Brothers now), stopped gaming (sans phone games to pass by time in lectures), and drastically cut down on the number of mangas I follow. SGS and the occasional non-academic book that I read has replaced all of the above hobby wise.


In other news, I've watched The Perks of a Wallflower twice, on consecutive days ahaha. Once I was bored at home, and the other was because roommate and I decided to procrastinate and invaded the twins room since they had a comfier and larger bed. In retrospect, should have gone to Jeff's since he has a legitimate tv.

Anyways! It's a great movie, very heartwarming by the end.
Soundtrack is really nice too :]


Anonymous said...

wouldnt necessarily classify this movie as "heartwarming" per se...

Weej said...

How come?