27 January 2013

statement of interest

Today's deliverable is an impressive statement of interest for taking a summer course in England. And also finding a serif font that is a) legible in smaller font sizes b) isn't too spaced out in all caps, I really don't want to resort to Times for my resume @_@"

Haven't written anything English-y for such a long time, in fact the past semester ESP reports have been trying to make me unlearn everything high-school English has taught me (minus spelling and grammar). Now I'm halfway done and suddenly realized that I'm off-topic and should delete everything but the first half of the first sentence.
Nostalgic feelings~ (looking at you Prufrock essay!)
And now I'm typing up a blog post to procrastinate and temporarily ignore the fact I have to rewrite the entire thing.


Okay I've written a new introduction. By the looks of it, it seems to be a (really non-rigorous) problem definition. I haven't really left the engineering writing framework haha.

At this point, I'm giving ESP the benefit of the doubt. Maybe it's not as terrible of a course as us froshs think. Sure we gain no technical knowledge from the course (and how much of those are actually useful? There's software to solve integration and matrices anyways), but the "soft" skills that we should be learning will certainly be used. For example, and I'm not sure if this is by coincidence or not, an email from an upperclassman asking to set up a meeting followed almost exactly the format specified by ESP for setting up a client meeting. (Sorry this example will make little sense to those outside of UT eng.) As for the course itself, I think it's a giant lesson in time management. I would elaborate, but I've spent more time typing here than on my SoI, so back there I go.

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