22 December 2012

flashback 01

I know I repeatedly complain about how little sleep I get, but honestly that's most drastic change from highschool to university.

Let's see...
  • gr 11 and below: before 12.
  • gr 12: 12-1, but never for work.
  • September: 12-1 still, problem sets still take ~1hr to do.
  • October: woah before 1, that's early! civ problem sets are taking to take a while.
  • November: 1-2, manageable with espresso in the morning and gave up on getting all of chem problem sets correct.
  • December: oh hey it's 2 maybe I should sleep.
  • Finals week: at least 6 hours before whatever time the exam is.
  • Right now: my head really hurts but why not stay up and type this post. 
Finals weeks was at the same time better and worse than I imagined. Group study worked, at least for me, quite well. There's an obvious tradeoff between productivity and fun, but least I was not miserable after an entire day of studying. Plus explaining concepts to others is a good check to see if you really understand the concepts yourself. Downside is that almost everything else got pushed to the absolute bottom of the priority list: sleeping pattern (well that disappeared a while ago), healthy meals (cereal is a completely adequate dinner item), etc. Was convenient though that almost everything negative could have been blamed on exam stress. Got sick again D: really hope this doesn't become a pattern.

Marks aren't even out until after the holidays, not sure if I'm happy or unhappy about that. Overall they weren't terrible (minus chem, wtf) and that calculus solution has been posted already. Prediction time!
  • ESP: honestly no clue, the m/c was a lot easier than previous years (content, instead of reading comprehension, is actually being tested) but the written portion is a lot of bs. 
  • Civ: Should be fine? Got the I for the last question wrong though.
  • Chem: I don't even...
  • Calc: compared what I remember of my answers to the solution, should also be alright.
  • Lin Alg: again easier than previous years, but might have had some calculation errors. We'll see

Here's to 2 weeks of chill before next semester starts!

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