07 November 2012

heat of freezing & .07

One of the few benefits of winter is that the skies are clearer.
^Morin's justification for why the SES class was freezing at YorkU's observatory. That was a cool trip though.

Anyways, with daylight savings time in effect, I officially end class at sunset.
(the colours are a lot more brilliant irl, too lazy to photoshop it.)
And soon enough I'll be starting class with the sunrise too e_e"


More frosh lessons learned from midterm weeks & beyond.
  • Problem sets take a really, really long time. I'm no longer surprised when 4 questions end up taking 3 hours to finish. Consequently, going to sleep "early" now means "before 1am".
  • It does help to develop a pre-exam ritual. Mine's currently consist of assigning each exam one song, and listening to that on repeat while studying & on the day of until I walk into the exam room. Also found it much more beneficial to nap in the last half an hour instead of cramming more information in. 
  • Discovered that I review the best by rewriting and colour coding my notes on a sheet of blank paper. I'm actually quite proud of my study sheets, guess I'll make a post about them at a later date.
  • If upper years say that a certain course's final is a joke, it will be. Multiple choice options included "some of the above", "all of the above", and "all of the above and more". I don't even...
  • Lin alg is pretty cool, and really, really confusing.

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