22 May 2012

hawking radiation

I am definitely not keener enough.

This realization came ages ago, but is recently slapped in the face with it again from browsing physics forum. Specially, the "Best way to learn QM comprehensively" thread.
I feel beat, motivated, and pretty scared.

So goal now is to not slack in vectors, review Calc I in the summer and make sure I UNDERSTAND (not just know) everything. Try to learn Calc II and watch some open courseware on physics in the summer. Decide on trying to minor in physics and hopefully in the process figure out whether I want to pursue nuclear or civil engineering.
In all honestly I have no idea. I want to build smart infrastructure to save environment/improve urban areas, but I also find high energy physics really interesting. Though if I do decide to pursue nuclear I would probably switch majors to electrical / mechanical. But they have bad job prospects!
grahhhh "orz
Added to goals: find profs at UT in relevant fields and obtain info from them.

and I can't believe I've just discovered PF (came across it various times when googling sin problems before), it can be the only site I visit and I'll still be happy. Lurking forums is an addiction haha. 

(link to a rly good explanation of the standard model for future reference. It's like a 90s flash version of The God Particle haha "Life is just a neat example of electromagnetic force")

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