07 June 2011


My e3 excitement has declined to normal level, psvita will knock $250 from my bank, probably more as I'll buy it when a bundle comes out. None of the games were 'omgmustgetorelse!!', though most of them does good pretty nice (uncharted, lbp, ruins, and soundshapes). PS3 wise, just gonna borrow team ICO collection from Sean, ffxiii-2 from Mel and Dark Souls from Jason ;D I'd get Dark Souls myself if it isn't for grade 12 @_@"

The above paragraph is pretty much why I got no studying done yesterday, which just determined what I'll be doing today and tomorrow, hurray exam season. Though I won't complain much as I only have 3, and only one of which need actual memorizing (chem). Just gotta do math practice problems till I collapse "orz

But all is alright, cause this arrived today:

Me and my clovers haha XD


paper.mannequin said...

Yaaaaaaaaay! yippeeee. you got it :)

H-siao said...

nice plan u got there...factoring in the last guardian?LOL

melody said...

dawg i aint spendin money on 13-2 :|
the only one ill be buying is acr