01 December 2010


Happy Birthday Janice!

and now my belated report card post:

Info Tech (business course): 97 (easy course, so chill as well <3)
English: 87 (blah, english teachers. stubborn people they are)
Co-op: 95 and 88. (The 88 is suppose to be 92, teacher didn't change it in time.)
Chem: 89 (Will work harder to bring this up)
Tech: 100 HAR HAR HAR
Physics: 98 (yay, Caruana is awesomee)
Math: 82 (this is really sad. Shad ppl are gonna go 'wtf')
Avg: 92

It will be 1.4% higher without math. I'm saaaaaaad.

edit: co-op is updated to 92,
so avg is now 92.5, same as last term ;D

1 comment:

Gil said...

No worries, I think you'll be perfectly fine