30 July 2010

In and Outs #4: camp week 1 edition

Experience, lots of it. I think a parenting book analogy would suffice here: reading a million books on parenting will never prepare you enough for actual parenting. You can know everything in theory, but hands on is totally different. Managing the campers required tons of improvising, pleading, threatening (jokes, speaking in a severe voice is needed though). It was loads of fun teaching them how to fold origami.

Riddles, lots of it as well. One of the volunteers that I was working with came up with this fool proof way to entertain the campers. Most of them stumped me as well XD Other tried and true games include elephant ball and concentration.

Other useful skills & abilities. I think my communication skills definitely improved from explaining how to fold a rose a bajillion times. Enthusiasm, or at least the appearance of, as well. One huge tip that I learned was that if you tell the kids to do something, you better as hell do it yourself.

Sleep, I can't put into words how tiring it is. My waking hours lasts from 6:45 to 11:30, minus 1 hour of sleep that I manage to squeeze in on ttc. I can confidently say that I can fall asleep on most moving vehicles in less than 5 minutes. Good thing is that the tiredness only catches up with me after camp ends. The pace at camp doesn't even let a yawn in haha. But after coming home, I have noooooooo energy left to do anything, my choices of mindless activities include manga (Id, maybe some thoughts on this in a later post) and TV. Lie to me is gooood, I should watch Mad Men as well.

The kids "are hell wrapped in a cute little package", the proportion of the two varies day to day. I joke, they're alright. Some memorable ones include this boy who named 92 species of fish, this girl who can draw really well (though she denies that), and this absolutely adorable boy with blond curly hair.
Will get into a positive mindset for next weeeek.

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