07 March 2010

brunch: good ol' pasta

Penne with what I call as my blend of stuff for sauce.

"my blend of stuff" is actually really good. Tasty, filling, super easy, and probably cheap enough for me to make when I move out one day. Yes I like planning ahead, actions are overrated, go thoughts! (don't listen to that).

Basically it's: chopped up onions, ground beef, roughly chopped up tomatoes, and whatever spice and sauce you like, personally: oregano, basil, and ragu. First you brown the meat, then add in the onions, saute until the onions are whatever colour you like (me likely just turning translucent), add in the spice, tomatoes and sauce and cook until the pasta is done cooking.

today's dessert:

Milk served granita style. Forgot to drizzle with honey before taking the pic.

I'm pretty sure granita isn't the right terminology, but it's close enough in texture and consistency. Made it with the same method too, sans sugar. I would love to have this for breakfast in the summer *u*

1 comment:

Kenn said...

You need to try Horchata and tell me how it tastes.