16 February 2010

first step

Most of my (superficial) miseries are self inflicted haha.
I often go oh this person is so good at this and that, and that person is great at that blah blah, but when I stop and think about, those people all have put effort into whatever they do well.
Myself? I would think long and hard about what I'm discontent with, and even come up with a plan on how to achieve them. Countless hours of thinking, planning, and whining.

I don't ever translate the thoughts into actions though.

I would always wish for second chances at things, but would I really make the most out of them? Probably not. "Nothing will work unless you do"
(yet I'm complaining about this on a blog post, mm.)


Kenn said...

Most of my miseries come from retrospect on my part. If I had studied I may have passed that test, if I had done this, done that. Never do actually change my habits. S'why we all wish for time machines and hyperbolic time chambers.

Gil said...

Hey. Good thing that you realize that now Weej. And even sometimes, you'll come across people who do almost nothing to achieve something, yet they will still achieve greater than you. But sometimes, the way they've behaved throughout their whole life and even outside factors can contribute to their success...