08 January 2010

3 multiply 7, oh it's 24.

Had to wait for Janice afterschool today.
Roy and Alex were mean and ditched us for a free cookie at subway.

In the 1 and half hour that I waited, I learned how to turn film into nice 6 x 4 prints ;D So first you put the film between the plates, then stick that into the machine, then set the exposure (3.0 times whatever looks the best from the test strip). Slip the photopaper (man they're expensive, $1 per), into the frame, position the frame and press the start button. blahblahblah (that's probably what this paragraph looked like) blah blah blah developer 1min, stop bath 15sec, fixer 2min, rinse with water blah blah blah.

Yeah it's pretty cool, despite all the complaining and glares that I gave Janice. Sigh, why aren't more of my friends guiltable.

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