08 November 2009

> b

Finally went to Gracie's house yesterday *u*

Her new house is sooooo pwetty, especially her dining table chairs. After a brief tour, we (Jeyran, Janice, Grace and I) started to play with her dog, Cookie. He's adorable! I had too much fun watching Janice trying to get him to sit on her command.

Then we got called in by her mom for some delicious snacks. The four of us devoured a plate of dumplings, a plate of bread, half a bottle of apple juice and some cheetos. The bread had amazingly soft texture.

After snacks, we were suppose to help Janice on her business assignment, but somehow ended up in the basement playing wii. I still suck in mario kart e_e After a disastrous round of leaf cup, we switched to playing brawl. At first, Jeyran was reluctant to play, but she turned out to be a beast at kirby. I'm not very good at brawl either, a complete failure at trying to get back on platforms. Pit's blue wings are so cheap, wish I could pluck them and put it on Ike xD Rest of the afternoon/evening was spent trying to side b everyone before I eventually fall to my death.

1 comment:

Gil said...

Ike: if you're far off the side of the stage but are somewhat high up, use >B. If you're kinda low, just wait till you get closer to the stage and use up B. Try using air attacks ( A in the air, or forward A, or backwards A). If all else fails, run up to them and do a Smash attack if they're busy fighting each other (Side or Up).