23 October 2009

haunted house!

hehee, got my first phone interview ish thing today XD
I feel so happy for some reason, mm.

It's for volunteering at UNICEF's Halloween event: Cadbury Haunted House (link disappeared on unicef's website o_o) I'm suppose to assist in handing out candies and and collecting donations ^^

They first called me during math class, I asked them to call back later, but my phone was either off or out of battery. I feel so bad about troubling the really nice lady that calls e_e" I'm glad that they didn't just kick me off cause of this.
For once I won't be spending the rest of the year trying to finish all the candies.Can't wait :]

1 comment:

Gil said...

You actually bother finishing the candies? >_> I think I just threw them away at some point... Though I haven't gone trick or treating for a long long time.