14 November 2008

the adventure of mickey mouse on a plastic waterbottle

So there's the water bottle. The one that I overly-protect. I'll shriek and freak out if I drop it, falls over, or someone takes it (especially the latter).

One (initially) lovely day, I was happily minding my own business and being extremely ignorant.
The next (much less) lovely day, first reason being I was gonna be late for class. Second being after rushing from my locker to class, I discovered that I was missing a few things. The more important being my water bottle, the (should be more important) being my homework assignment. After obtaining permission from my teacher to fetch it from my locker, I searched extensively for my water bottle. Without luck I might add. There goes the chance of me paying any attention to any of my class for the rest of the day.
Though I have no right to complain, my friend Roy lost his iPod...well someone stole it. My other friend Helen lost her $300 jacket... I don't even know why I like my water bottle so much!
The 3rd day, after staying (really) late to help clean up after parent-teacher interview night (mainly cause you get more pizza). I had trouble stuffing my bag into my locker (it contained bulky plastic containers, and at least 1 water bottle). Whenever I tried to push it in, I would hear a particular "clink" sound. "Weird..." I thought, "I don't recall having any hard plastic-y items in my bag..." So I opened every pocket again...and
BAM! look what I found.
I almost felt stupid enough to not post this.

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