26 March 2008

Report Cards con't

Actually, it wasn't that bad. "that" being the keyword. I don't need to hide in the closet, nor live with the dust bunnies. But I do need to think of a few clever excuses to cover my french. It's not my fault that the teacher forgot about my presentation (actually, I was really glad that she did)!

English: 86.6
French: 86.3
Math: 85 (oh the horror! when was I better at english than math! I better quadruple check my tests from now on...)
uhh..what else is there?
Science: 85 or 88? (IT DROPPED. DROPPPPPED! Maybe it's because...I have no idea. topics? tests? I think I screwed up everywhere haha)
History/Geography: 88
Music: 88 (woah. I didn't expect to get this high, especially since I never practiced! Meh, lucky me?)
Drama: uh also 88? I seem to get a lot of that, why can't those be 2 marks higher!
Phy Ed: 78 Oh this is just very very sad. Would have gotten straight level 4s without this!

Overall average: 85.3 Think it went up...got like 83.something last term? Gosh this puts so much pressure on 3rd term. Have to continue the ascend!
Now back to studying *SIGH*

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